INOMAD.WORLD & ECUBES is the first hub in Croatia for research, education and promotion of hydrogen technologies, infrastructure and economy.
This is how we are accelerating Hydrogen economy and European clean energy transition.
Hydrogen hub – a destination as approach for individuals and businesses to explore and enable carbon neutral future, to meet demand from REPowerEU with unique, out-of-the-box, architecture, enabling co-working towards clean energy future
Architecture as a product, with proprietary technological energy storage solution enabling to serve as a nucleus for clean energy infrastructure development in the region.
Product, powered by proprietary Hydrogen technologies and solutions enabling sector coupling and energy storage are enabling new power infrastructure opportunities for larger penetration of renewables to the power mix by new, self-sufficient, energy communities can now emerge.
Proprietary Hydrogen technologies are driver of the very first FRUIT of the international cooperation within Transnational North Adriatic Hydrogen Valley, between Croatian, Slovenian and partners from Italian autonomous region Friuli Venezia Giulia with Hydrogen Refueling station in Rijeka, Croatia, the first in Croatia, following the first one, already deployed in the region of North Adriatic.
We plan to produce, store and offer a green hydrogen for FCEV vehicles directly in our backyard. Anyone can see and learn in-person about hydrogen directly on-site. Our in-house developed system will host an electrolyzer, fuel cell, storage and H2 refill station. Our IT team has already started developing a unique, but versatile IT solution for planning, managing and supporting complete hydrogen infrastructure. All that encapsulated in small form container, ready to be installed anywhere from marinas to mountain huts. No hotel offers such a personal demonstration of the new technology of tomorrow.
A “Hydrogen Valley” is a geographical area – a city, a region, an island or an industrial cluster – where several hydrogen applications are combined into an integrated hydrogen ecosystem that consumes a significant amount of clean hydrogen, improving the economics behind the project and this is how we can accelerate Hydrogen Economy.

What Others Say About Us
”There are hydrogen projects already on the way. I was talking earlier to Aleksander Gerbec, Ecubes, whom is, together with his partner, already operating here in Rijeka to produce hydrogen eco-system. So that’s the concrete example of something is happening right here in Rijeka.”
– Stephen Taylor, coordinator of the Working Group of the North Adriatic Hydrogen Valley, Lürssen business conference “Blue Growth – Kvarner 2030”, Rijeka, Croatia, June 12th 2022.

“If we are to meet our climate goals, we need to accelerate in the European hydrogen economy. Hydrogen valleys, we spoke about it, are a perfect example of the hydrogen economy we want to build. Take, for example, the Groningen area – in the Northern Netherlands and we are expanding the same model to other areas, there are many areas that want to follow, from the island of Mallorca to the border region between Italy, Slovenia and Croatia. This is how we can accelerate the hydrogen economy on a local scale, on our way towards a European hydrogen economy as a whole.”
Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission Opening keynote at the European Hydrogen Week 2021.